Whether you need occasional help from a freelance lawyer or a long term subscription associate, thousands of law firms rely on us to bill more hours and reduce overhead. LawClerk is where attorneys go to find virtual associates and freelance attorneys.
For episode 127, and in continuation of our female founder series, we are joined by Talitha Gray Kozlowski and Kristin Tyler, co-founders of LawClerk.
Talitha and Kristin were associates and a large regional firm before they made the move to a boutique law firm in Las Vegas. Near the time they made the change from “BigLaw” to the boutique firm, they also started the development of their #legaltech startup.
Solution born from the problem they were facing now that they didn’t have the massive number of associates and staff with which to turn to when things got busy, they began developing their own solution. A solution, meant to provide attorneys with greater control over their careers and help small and medium law firms find the expertise they required.
Learn more about their journey and startup life from two practicing attorneys and company founders!
More about Talitha, Kristin and LawClerk:
Talitha Gray Kozlowski on LinkedIn: Talitha Gray Kozlowski.
Talitha Gray Kozlowski on Twitter: @TalithaBGray.
Kristin Tyler on LinkedIn: Kristin Tyler.
Kristin Tyler on Twitter: @KristinTyler.
LawClerk on Twitter: @lawclerklegal.
LawClerk website: lawclerk.legal.