Josh Maley is the founder of Theorem LTS, what is billed as the first operating system for legal. His platform enables legal operations teams to enhance service delivery without introducing new systems, forms, or processes–while granting access to a whole new world of alternatives, connections and collaboration.
One of the most difficult aspects for legal technology is law firms and vendors connecting with one another. Theorem LTS makes it easier for firms to identify the technology they need while helping vendors to be pre-vetted for firms.
The TheoremLTS marketplace remains neutral and works to make this experience easier for law firms, legal departments, and legaltech vendors. Take a watch/listen to this episode to see what TheoremLTS offers.
We were joined by startup founder and CEO, Pieter Gunst, of It was his first time joining us as co-host and we think you’ll agree that Pieter had some incredible questions, which always makes Nick uncomfortable.
More about TheoremLTS & Joshua Maley:
Joshua Maley on LinkedIn: Joshua Maley.
Joshua Maley on Twitter: @JDMaley.
TheoremLTS on Twitter: @TheoremLTS.
TheoremLTS website:
More about Pieter Gunst &
Pieter Gunst on LinkedIn: Pieter Gunst.
Pieter Gunst on Twitter: @DigitalLawyer. on Twitter: @Legal_io. website: