With award-winning technology, eCourtReporters gives attorneys and schedulers direct access to experienced, certified court reporters and legal videographers all across the country.
Karen Renee owns Milwaukee Court Reporters and actively provides court reporting services. Graduated 2008 cum laude from Alfred State College, New York, associates degree. She was awarded Innovator of the Year from the State Bar of Wisconsin, Innovation Use of Technology from the National Court Reporters Association, and Bright New Idea award from the Governor’s Business Plan Contest.
Karen is a lifelong entrepreneur to say the least. In this episode, she tells a story about her introduction to the Uber app which inspired her idea to do the same thing with court reporting, as it has inspired a wide number of other technology innovations.
There is a need for “gig” work and coordination. That’s what eCourtReporters is offering to court reporters, legal videographers, and attorneys. A simple and effective way to coordinate freelance work. It is also helping court reporters, who are certified in more than one state, to accept work from all of the jurisdictions in which they’re certified.
More about Karen Renee and eCourtReporters:
Karen Renee on LinkedIn: Karen Renee.
Karen Renee on Twitter: @eCourtReporter.
eCourtReporters on Twitter: @eCourtReporters.
eCourtReporters website: eCourtReporters.com.